Stuck in the mud?
Our trusted machinery from the television to the tiny parts on the car can fail, so can our most trusted businesses (you know the ‘sure bet’ investment ones) and likewise our lives and our health can fail, get stuck and out of alignment.
Have you ever heard the following terminology?
Car: Stuck in the mud, broken down, crashed….
Business: Entire board replaced, new CEO fails to make the changes needed….
Health: Polypharmacy (numerous medication use), overuse syndrome, chronic fatigue, man flu, PMS, binge drinking, binge eating….
What do all of these have in common?
Each example demonstrates patterns and systems that are failing and or malfunctioning and leading to signs and symptoms of destruction. For instance, the car is not moving, the company rapidly dropping on the stock market and the person displaying ill-health through pain, fatigue and or irritability.
Think about your health for a moment. Yes you. Your body, your mind, your life.
What systems are running on empty?
What needs refilling or renewal or perhaps extended rest?
Can you notice your body’s whispering (or perhaps shouting) as it attempts to tell you what you need?
Often we do not ask these questions, we dismiss, procrastinate and distract ourselves from what is going on in our bodies. So, perhaps now is the time to ask yourself the following:
Am I stuck right now?
Where specifically in my body am I stuck in?
And most importantly what am I going to do about it?”
Be curious, be wise and enjoy getting your body out of the mud!